Sunday, August 14, 2011

No Princess, Just a Frog

Found a toad last night and thankfully he put up with all my annoying bright flashes.
Something funky went on here. My flash plus our backdoor light that came on made this pictures too bright. So I opened it in windows pictures viewer or something like that, made it black and white and brought down the brightness.
What do ya think?

One of my friends kissed a frog one time. Needless to say he didn't turn into a prince and I think it might have peed on her or shortly after that. haha.

Aren't their eyes amazing? I love capturing the crazy awesome detail that God has put on this earth for us to enjoy!

I kinda want to name this frog now...any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Wow those are amazing. Great job.

    While it's true that not all princes are frogs, and not all frogs are princes, it can be said that some princes are frogs, so some frogs must be princes. You never know till you smooch it up. Personally, I think he has a regal air to him, sort of stately... so he needs a royal name. I suggest either Louis, or Edmund. Oh! Or Edwin. I don't know if there have been any kings named Edwin... but I like the sound of it. I would suggest Edward but people will think you are Twilight crazy.
