Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Black and White vs. Color

Ok so thankfully these pictures are a lot clearer than the others (they better be it took forever to upload :/). Today I want to look at Black and White (monochrome) VS. Color. Some pictures look powerful in monochrome but some look better in color. I think it depends on what your photographing. In my pictures below the one of old trees look stronger in black and white, yet my pictures of flowers pop more when they're in color. I hope you enjoy these pictures :) Have a blessed day!

Same object but in black and white. Because the object didn't have color to begin with I think it looks better in black and white because you can focus more on the tree rather than be distracted by various colors in the background. 

Again because this picture didn't have very much color to begin with I think it looks fine in monochrome. Sorry I don't have a color one to show you.

This was actually taken very randomly, I was wanting to get a close up of the fuzzy flower things (its name is escaping my mind right now), but I didn't want to lay on he ground (because of fire ants) and look though the viewfinder to see what was in the frame. And this is what I ended up with! I think it look kinda cool, don't you? 


Black and White. What do you like better?

I love photgraphing dead tree branches! Because of their many twist and turns, I think it makes them look neat!

This one of my favorite because of the way the branch looks like it's reaching out to you.





Ok, here is my example of when color looks better the monochrome. Here it looks washed out and dull, not a good look for flowers.

But here it looks bright and lively!

Another color example. Here you can see th flower poping out of the duller colors.

But in black and white, you don't really notice the flower, unless you're really looking for it and you don't want to make people look for it, you want it to be obvious, something that immediately draws the eye to it.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Here are some pictures I took in Colorado, no specific topic today :) (Haven't been feeling so great but I still wanted to post something for you all) Again I apologize for the unclarity of the pictures.
Sun Kissed Royal Gorge Bridge

Downtown Colorado Springs

Also dowtown Colorado Springs. I loved the character the buildings downtown had.

I love older/brick buldings! Colorado Springs had a lot of older building :)

That tounge is amazing

Doesn't this picture just make you laugh? Or at least smile? No matter how many times I've seen this, it always  makes me smile :) gotta love animals expressions!

Royal Gorge Bridge, highest bridge on earth.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Detail & Close Ups

So I love detail and close ups! Why? Because you can see things you don't normally see in the usual picture.  You can see the detail in the beautiful flowers or maybe the sweat forming on a singers face during a concert. In close ups you can see things you may have never noticed before. I hope you enjoy the detail in these pictures, sorry they are not as clear as they are on my computer. 
Cherry Blossom

I love going to concerts! And I think its neat to get pictures of the guitars they use. Sometimes they'll be playing so fast that their fingers blur, I think thats a neat detail :)

The Classic Crime

I think it's neat to get background detail sometimes...

So I did have one better than this, where the ant was more in focus, but I couldn't find it. But I still think it's cool how the white sand was in focus, it almost looks like its sparkling.
White Sands National Monument

So both of these (above and below) have been edited. I decided that I wanted to mess around with some of the features on my camera and this is what I ended up with.  

This is one of my favorite details! The bark on a tree! I just think it's really neat to see how intricate God's creation is!

I love rain! This is one of the water droplet I was able to catch, next time I aim for a more attractive background though. :)

I hope you enjoyed them!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Starting Out

ok, so this is my first time ever starting a blog so bare with me. I will try to post photos weekly. These pictures I have taken are unedited except for maybe some cropping. If I did try and alter them at all I will specify. I like natural photos because it shows the talent is in the photographer not the computer software (although some of those programs can be pretty cool). I hope you enjoy it.
 Right now the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta just started and here are some pictures that I've taken.
The sun blinded me while I was trying to get this picture.

This picture didn't turn out that great, I just thought it was a neat banner.

Thanks for looking!